
What is Jacoco

JaCoCo is a code coverage library for Java.

How Jacoco count code coverage

Instructions (C0 Coverage)
The smallest unit JaCoCo counts are single Java byte code instructions.

Branches (C1 Coverage)
JaCoCo also calculates branch coverage for all if and switch statements. This metric counts the total number of such branches in a method and determines the number of executed or missed branches.

Jacoco coverage counter

How to use Jacoco

Basically, you can use Jacoco as an ant task.

See official source example in jacoco-<version-number>/doc/examples/build.xml.

Step 1: Import JaCoCo Ant tasks

<project name="ProjectName" default="default-task" xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant">
  <taskdef uri="antlib:org.jacoco.ant" resource="org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml">
  	<classpath path="../../../lib/jacocoant.jar" />

Step 2: Wrap test execution with the JaCoCo coverage task

<target name="test" depends="compile">
  <jacoco:coverage destfile="${result.exec.file}">
    <java classname="org.jacoco.examples.parser.Main" fork="true">
      <classpath path="${result.classes.dir}" />
      <arg value="2 * 3 + 4"/>
      <arg value="2 + 3 * 4"/>

Step 3: Create coverage report

<target name="report" depends="test">

    <!-- This task needs the collected execution data and ... -->
      <file file="${result.exec.file}" />

    <!-- the class files and optional source files ... -->
    <structure name="JaCoCo Ant Example">
        <fileset dir="${result.classes.dir}" />
      <sourcefiles encoding="UTF-8">
        <fileset dir="${src.dir}" />

    <!-- to produce reports in different formats. -->
    <html destdir="${result.report.dir}" />
    <csv destfile="${result.report.dir}/report.csv" />
    <xml destfile="${result.report.dir}/report.xml" />
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